Konstellation Revamps HUBBLE Wallet
Konstellation team shares the latest revamped HUBBLE wallet! This latest update was mostly a design update with a few features updated as well. See below for more details and visit HUBBLE directly here: https://wallet.konstellation.tech/
In this blog, we will walk you through each page and show you some of the changes that have been made. Let’s take a closer look!
Front Page of “Create a New Wallet”
We have updated the color scheme and design style following the Konstellation’s new branding. Other than a cleaner look in the UI, we also added a way for you to choose and unlock your wallet directly from the homepage other than to import and create a new wallet.
Main view of HUBBLE Wallet
In the Wallet page, you can see the Assets tab and the Activity tab that will show your entire transaction history. Since Konstellation’s design theme revolves around “Outer Space”, the icons are mostly inspired from objects you may encounter in space — i.e. satellites, antennas, UFOs, and more.
Front Page of “Staking”
Previously, the design only showed the total of stakes and rewards. But now, users can see the total DARC that is available for staking.
We have revamped the total delegations, the rewards available, and the effective reward rate. The design is updated to be simple, yet more informative than the previous version.
Let us know your thoughts on the new HUBBLE wallet!
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KONSTELLATION Network is a blockchain protocol, built on Cosmos Networks SDK, creating a global infrastructure for the future of the decentralized capital markets.
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