Konstellation Network onboards its first validators for its Trusted Validator Program

Konstellation Network (DARC)
2 min readFeb 11, 2022

Konstellation Network is proud to announce the launch of its Trusted Validator Program. Pertaining to the program, the project has onboarded its first validators that include some of the prominent names in the market.

The Trusted Validator Program is an initiative by Konstellation Network to improve decentralization and transparency in blockchain networks.

Konstellation Network has currently onboarded 16 validators, all with expertise in the Cosmos ecosystem and resonates with the ideology of the project. All participants of the Konstellation Trusted Validator Program will receive a delegation of 1,000,000 $DARC from the Konstellation Foundation for a year as part of the project’s Genesis program.

The Validators include,

All of these validators have expertise in validating Cosmos Network and have a professional portfolio to back their services. Apart from these 16 validators, Konstellation Network will onboard more validators to make the platform more secure and decentralized. The complete list of online Validator’s wallet addresses can be found here.
Moreover,we will release detailed descriptions about these projects and the Trusted Validator Program soon on our Medium.

Anyone willing to join the Validator Program can contact us at info@konstellation.tech or join our project’s Validator Discord Group.

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Konstellation Network (DARC)

DARC is the fuel that drives the Konstellation Network, the infrastructure for the interoperable DeFi capital markets.