Instructions for Sending DARC to Exrates Exchange
Step 1: After registering on, click on the “Funds” button at the top of the screen to reveal the “Balances” screen:
Step 2: Once you are on this “Balances” screen, click on the “Refill balance” button, which will reveal two different screens depending on how you have set up your browser.
If your browser is in window mode, your screen should look like this:
However, if your browser is in full screen mode, your computer might show a slightly different configuration. It will look like this:
The main difference is the background color. When the browser is in full screen mode, the screens on Exrates have a white background. When the browser is not in full screen mode, it will have a midnight blue background.
The main benefit of being in full screen mode is that you have clear access to the little black-and-white Chat button. Click it and you will instantly be connected with a very helpful Exrates representative that will be able to assist you with whatever problem you may encounter. If you still have issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Telegram and Discord.
Step 3: Whichever screen you see, please click on the “crypto deposit” button. Once clicked, you should see something like the following screen:
Step 4: On this screen, you will need to select DARC from the pull down menu.
Step 5: At the same time, you should have your NEM Wallet or Nano Wallet open. Keep in mind that each exchange account could have different addresses. So it is very important that you click “Copy address” button and paste the address into your desktop wallet.
Step 6: The last step is very important. Unlike with ERC-20 tokens based on Ethereum, NEM mosaic tokens require that you send some message data along with your DARC token transaction. Please click the “Copy id” button and paste that message data into the message field of your desktop wallet. That message field can be found directly below the address field and is highlighted in the image below. It should look like this:
Make sure you include the message data in the red box denoted above when you are sending DARC from your NEM Wallet or NanoWallet into the Exrates exchange! If you do not include this message, your tokens will not be routed to your exchange wallet. So please be careful!
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