How to Transfer Airdrop DARC-BEP2 to DARC BEP20 (used on Binance smart chain)
DARC-BEP2 (DARC received during the recent Airdrop) => DARC BEP20
How to SWAP DARC from Binance Chain (DARC-BEP2) to Binance Smart Chain (DARC-BEP20):
Moving DARC from Binance Chain to Binance Smart Chain is the first step in DARC’s listing on a Binance Smart Chain DEX, like PancakeSwap.
(Reminder: DARC-BEP2 is also known as DARC 087. When we mention DARC BEP2 it means that we are talking about DARC in its BEP2 version on the Binance Chain. DARC 087 is the name given for DARC on the Binance Chain. DARC BEP20 refers to the DARC version on Binance Smart Chain.)
Step 1
Access your Binance wallet extension on your browser.
If you have not downloaded a Binance wallet extension yet, you can download it here on Chrome:
Step 2
Access your Binance extension wallet by clicking on “Use existing wallet.” If you have an existing wallet, you can go to Step 3.
If you do not have a Binance Chain wallet yet, you can get one. Here’s how:
- Click on “Create a wallet”
- Then “Generate seed phrase”
You then enter a password for your wallet, as shown below.
Step 3
Go to your DARC wallet and access the “ Settings” tab. Choose the account name where your DARC is located (which is “Risjo” in this example). Choose the digital asset DARC-24B in the “Digital Asset” section.
Copy your private key. (this will require entering your password, as shown below)
Step 4
Go back to your Binance wallet extension menu. Make sure you are on the Binance Chain network (at the top of the window).
Go to your account settings by clicking on the top right, as shown in the red square below.
Click on “Import Account,” as shown in the red rectangle below.
Paste the private key that you copied from your DARC wallet in the red rectangle below.
You now have your DARC BEP-2 account and wallet address (from your DARC wallet) imported into your Binance wallet extension. This will be the account from where you will send the SWAP on Konstellation Bridge.
Step 5
Go back to Binance Chain Network.
Add a new asset by clicking on the “+” (in the red square).
Type DARC in the search bar and add DARC-087 by click in the yellow square, as shown below.
You now have your DARC BEP-2 account (from your DARC wallet) that has just been imported into your Binance wallet extension.
Step 6
You can now find your BEP-2 wallet address by clicking your DARC-087.
Then click on receive on the next page
Pro-tip: You can copy-paste your wallet address by clicking on the button in the red square as shown below.
Step 7
It’s time to create a new wallet address for your DARC-BEP20 in your Binance wallet extension. This will be your DARC Binance Smart Chain wallet address that you will use on dapps like Pancakeswap. This also will be the address where you will receive DARC during the SWAP.
Choose the Binance Smart Chain network in the top frame, then click on the “+” (below in the red square).
Select Custom tab and enter the contract address below :
- 0x8ebc361536094fd5b4ffb8521e31900614c9f55d
This window should appear:
Click on the “Add asset” button.
Step 8
Go to the Binance Smart Chain main page, click on DARC, then “receive,” to access your receiving address for DARC-BEP20.
Pro-Tip: You can click on the red square to directly copy the address on your clipboard
Step 9
Click on DARC BEP-087 in the main view of your Binance wallet extension.
Then click “Send.”
Step 10
In “Address,” paste the BEP20 address we copied before (in Step 7)and input the amount you want to swap. Then click the “Send” button at the bottom.
Step 11
You will see this page. Check transaction info and click send again.
End of the tutorial for the SWAP DARC-BEP2 => DARC-BEP20
How to SWAP from DARC-BEP20 (Binance Smart Chain) to DARC-BEP2 (Binance Chain)
This allows you to transfer DARC from Binance Smart Chain to your Binance Chain wallet.
Step 1
Go on Binance Chain main page, click on DARC, then receive in order to access your receiving address for the DARC-BEP2.
Step 2
You should now have access to your recipient address for BEP-2, which you can copy-paste.
Pro-Tip: You can click on the button right next to the address to directly copy the address on your clipboard.
Step 3
Go back on the Binance Smart Chain view in your Binance wallet extension and click on DARC, as shown below.
Step 4
Click on “Send.”
Step 5
Paste the address that we previously copied on Step 2. You can also access it directly if you click on the address rectangle. Write the amount that you wish to send as well.
Click on “Send.”
Step 6
Review the transaction details to be sure that all information is correct.
And click on send again to confirm the transaction
End of the tutorial for the SWAP DARC-BEP2 =>DARC-BEP20